I see a lot of duplicate block challenges

I have 2 full nodes (completely different networks) that I can watch side by side and one of them gets spurts of duplicate block challenges while the other doesn’t. Sometimes I’ll see 25 duplicates. The other one gets the odd duplicate, but not nearly as bad.

Does it happen to anyone else? Does anyone know what’s going on there?

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I asked on Keybase and apparently this is a version 1.1.0 issue. I updated to version 1.1.1 and it seems to have resolved it.

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Would this issue actually be affecting my farming or is it purely cosmetic?

We need to get the keybase folks over here so they can post info in a way more people can find it. Thank you for shuttling the info back over here! :hugs:

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My conversation was pretty brief, but was told that it would put extra load on the harvesters. So I think it’s mostly cosmetic unless you have a very underpowered harvester. I have no idea what would be considered underpowered (maybe a Pi?).

I upgraded to 1.1.1 just to be safe.

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similar issue here I just posted, version 1.1.3

Duplicated / Recounted / Repeated challenge sequence in few seconds - Chia Farming & Harvesting - Chia Forum

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