New pool protocol

What is Chia Pool? There is PoolChia, but never heard of Chia Pool.

I meant new Chia pool protocol with the release of 1.2.0 today.

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Anyone know how do you change or add a new pool?

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So a Plot is tied to a Pool?

No, it’s tied to your plot NFT and the plot NFT can be assigned to a pool or self farming.
The assignment of the plot NFT can be changed as you like when you like…

So now we have Solo farming, NFT solo and NFT Pool?

Not counting the old plots from yesterday and before, you have.

  1. plots with an NFT encoded to it.

That’s it.

The NFT can then be pointed to where you want, a pool or yourself (solo) and also changed when you want to with a 30 min cooldown period

I am very interested to see the pooling power of Hpool over the next week. I bet it is currently as high as it will ever be. Me for example … I have about 350TB being farmed on Hpool, but as of this morning, I have stopped plotting to those folders. Once my Chia client is synced and I have my plot NFT, I will begin plotting to the new pools. Once my remaining space is filled, I will begin replacing my OG plots and slowly remove myself from Hpool.