No rewards for 9863 plots for about a month

I have 7k plots no win for over 2 weeks, prior to that is was a month. Everything checks out, no errors…

Thanks, by the way, is it possible to send my rewards to another address? I mean to a wrong address as you mentioned.

Yes it is. You would have to purposely do it though, pretty hard to do accidentally

3700 plots, no win since 29th of may.

Started using “madMAx43v3r/chia-plotter build for windows v0.0.6”, upgraded chia to v1.1.7 and changed computer after that win.

Otherwise logs looks ok (?) and loading plots takes max 2 seconds. No issues with syncing either.

Lets see what happens in the upcoming weeks, might try to shut down plotting with mad max and see if that helps.

This entire thread just makes me glad that I joined Hpool. This is way too many people putting in a lot of time and money and making nothing. Anxiously awaiting official pools.


Yeah, what I think is tragic is that there is no way of knowing 100% that your setup is working (other than by hitting blocks according to expectations over time). I would be completely fine with random intermittent winnings with an average of around ~20 days between rewards if I know for sure that my setup was working properly. Now its always that nagging voice telling me that something might be wrong with my setup…

I prefer to wait for the official pools.

Does anyone know how the luck is calculated in Chia? It seems most of us here, the unlucky farmers, don’t have any technical problem. My Chia Farmer has 7k plots and hasn’t won for 29 days. Proofs lookup mostly less than 1s.

Yesterday, I installed Chaingreen and Spare (forks of Chia) for testing.
Chaingreen and Spare has similar network space (and estimated time to win), but

  • My Chaingreen farmer consistently wins every few hours.
  • My Spare farmer hasn’t won for 24 hours (4-5 times the estimated time to win)

Does it make sense that only luck is playing in the Chia algo?

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I do not think that I can read everything that has been written here, (I apologize for that) but if you cannot earn anything with that amount of plots in a month it is because your plots are of poor quality, so do not pass the proof of time.

How many peers you are connected to? The more you have the better (at least 50 peers). It seems this is also a race to submit the proof. The more peers you have the faster your proof will reach Timelords. Remember this is also Proofs of Time not just Space.

Is it possible to have a proof but not get a reward?

It is unlikely, but it is possible. There are multiple reasons why this might be the case. The most common is that due to network delay, or drive speed delay (for example using a slow NAS), you missed the time for inclusion into the blockchain, which is 28 seconds. This time is from when the timelords create the signage points, to when the timelords infuse your block. Check to make sure that you are connected and synced to multiple peers, and that your quality lookup are fast (<2 seconds, definitely less than 5). Another reason might be that the signage point where you won did not get included into the blockchain. This can sometimes happen, since timelords may publish signage points that don’t end up on chain.

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What defines poor quality? I ran chia plots check -n 100 frequently and deleted all the ERROR plots. If you mean the looking up time, it’s mostly less than 1s according to the debug.log.

How do you explain the two shit-coins (Chaingree vs Spare, Chia forks) having similar estimated time to win. One consistently wins every few hours, while the other hasn’t won for more than 24 hours?

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More than 50 peers

# counting the number of connections: 2 lines per peer.
~ % chia show -c | wc -l

I also have timelord running in the same fullnode. Does it make a difference:

Mac-mini ~ % chia start timelord
chia_timelord_launcher: started
chia_timelord: Already running, use `-r` to restart

I want you to think about this for a moment. You create a project in which you indicate what are the parameters so that you are potentially eligible for a reward. You indicate in the instructions that space and time are the key indicators to create and close a block (xch). Most people just focus on having the most space forgetting the essence of space time. This is what altcoins take advantage of. They manage to captivate your space, perhaps very few good tests (multiplied by all the space) Always winning the space test when the time is correct for the height of the network. In conclusion, it is a pool that is only thanking you for the space.

Im still flabbergasted that the devs have not built in some errors lines into the code such as 'Oh no, you missed the reward even though you could have won…" blows me away there is no real way to tell if your plots are actually working…

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and their complete radio silence for a while now is also quite concerning… In the beginning they were much more engaging with the community in my opinion.


I’m doing a similar test with flax atm (i.e. running chia and flax side by side).

Chia estimated time to win = 18 day (last win 31 days ago)
Flax estimated time to win = 16 hours (no win yet, uptime 18 hours)

Both debug logs looks very similar with “plot loading times” of maximum of 3 seconds. Since Flax seems to be a copy/paste version of Chia, I think it is a interesting testing model for chia farming (lower estimated time to win) and it should be easier to figure out if something is wrong with ones setup.

PS. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is the madmax plotting procedure that is the cause of my lack of farming rewards since it loads my farming PCs CPU (intel i9 10850k) by a constant 100%. Will be interesting to shut it down for a couple of days and see if my farming rewards will start to show up in flax at least. Will let it run for 2-3 days first so that I’m sure that I cannot win first with my current setup.

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It would be interesting to hear from other people with a large number of plots and who lack farming rewards if they also are running madmax plotter on their farming PC

You can run madmax plotter to only use idle ressources on linux with:
nice -n 19 ionice -c 3 chia_plot ...

I’m running stotics Windows Build - Fury Road (Releases · stotiks/chia-plotter · GitHub)

Is it a similar command for that version as well?

You can reduce the number of threads it’s to use in stotics, I’ve only 16 threads, use 12 and my farming response times are good.
It’s the -r value that allocates threads.
But you’ve stated yours are getting good times, worth a test I guess.