No rewards for 9863 plots for about a month

You mean the version can solve this things as knowns as a serious problem now. To be honest, I could not be aware of this might have been a problem unless I saw someone who got some little plots was earning. Because I was just waiting for the time “Expected time to win : 6 days 11 hours” which was coming out from ‘chia farm summary’. The time was made shorten as increased the count of plots. So… However, there had been difficulties to chase upgrading for many machines in every version upgrading.

I’m just saying that if I was having a serious problem like yours, one of the very first things I would do is make sure I am running the latest version of everything. It may not help, but at least rule it out early.

Right, it could be a solution. However, in my experience with the other coin, the latest version used to rather cause problems. In this case, you’re probably right. Let me give it a go with entire machines :slight_smile: . Thanks.

And please update us on the outcome over time (i.e. winning XCH or not).

Good questions!! I have the same concerns. Hope someone can help and clarify.

It’s not mandatory, but strongly recommended if you’re on M1 macOS Big Sur. I’m not sure if Windows had the same problem.
In 1.1.5, my main farmer locked up in a loop every few hours or a day, and the fullnode stoped syncing. The issue happens intermittently, farmer/harvester just read the ssd at 500MB/s and farming stopped. Reboot the machine fixed it. People though the sync issue was their network problem. But it’s a bug in the software. I’m glad they fixed in 1.1.6.
1.1.7 has a few other fixes for the Windows platform. Of course, fixing bugs could easily create other bugs if testing infrastructure is not good enough.

Please upgrade to 1.1.17 asap especially if you have a windows rig. As mentioned before, other issues were resolved.


Batch process weight proof epochs in groups of 900 to fit below May 2020 sqlite limit (999 for Python 3.7 on Windows). Fixes sqlite3.OperationalError: too many SQL variables error and resulting issues with syncing wallets on Windows.

By the way, how about 1.1.8.dev1 which is the latest version from git? it did not make a difference.

I wouldn’t recommend any dev (pre-release) versions. There is a reason they are not a General Release yet.

Right, then how to fetch 1.1.7 ? I mean I tried to checkout 1.1.7, but it did not work.

I must honestly say that if you went all the way to plot 1 PETABYTE without even understanding the basics of Chia, you are doing it extremely wrong! Why? Whyyy?

yes you’re extremely right.

However, if I’d have begun this chia after getting to know everything about it, then I might be still studying :expressionless: .

But, I’ve got 1 PiB anyway.

And I’m sure I’ll find the way out because the team is supporting this issue.

Install instructions for the current version can be found at: INSTALL · Chia-Network/chia-blockchain Wiki · GitHub

I’ve got 2 Block rewards, but not anymore yet.

Farming status: Farming
Total chia farmed: 2.0
User transaction fees: 0.0
Block rewards: 2.0
Last height farmed: 484969
Plot count: 9720
Total size of plots: 962.138 TiB
Estimated network space: 29022.545 PiB
Expected time to win: 6 days and 10 hours

Thanks, I’ve followed the instruction.

Seems you won your last block 3 days ago. Not sure what is the problem. Wait an other 3 days and you should get an other one. Or you might be sending your coin to the wrong wallet

I have over 5500 plots on 4 harvesters and no win since Jun 6th. I get longer lookups very rarely.