NoSSD Chia Pool, +30% reward with new compressed plots, fast plotting without SSD

are you asking me? # of disks and size are irrelevant, but the point still holds true, if the pool goes away we are going to be stuck with worthless plots, we would need to replot again which is a massive waste of energy and time.

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Since there are many people on here with only lets say three disks total at this time, I would buy three more disks and keep the older plots to be used later since everyone will grow. So it is relevant just depend on what you want to do, and keep backups etc. Now I would ā€œNOTā€ replot 30 disks on some venture just to have to go back.

even if I had 1 disk, your argument really doesnā€™t make sense to me, backing up plots makes even less sense! why wouldnā€™t I use those plots to farm or plot the extra disks?

Anyhow, I have a few PiBs that took me a long time to fill, was crushing the numbers before, I can fill them using their plotter really quickly but if they go bust I will be screwed because Iā€™d need to use bladebit which would take ~ 4 months using the same hardware.

Not a great Risk/Reward.


Why not assign a certain percentage of your capacity to nossd?

The whole point was if you had 4 disks full of plots and it took you 2 months to fill, that if you wanted to try the other guys pool out you use another set of disks so you didnā€™t wipe out your old spare plots if you had to go back. And if they didnā€™t work out you could wipe out their plots and grow your old plots larger.

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No itā€™s not
Easiest of all is just using the repository and apt.

yea I get what you mean, that doesnā€™t really work for me.

I think the title of this thread is actually false, given that +30% is not +30% from what I read on their site. Itā€™s a range from 20-30%. I donā€™t think a misleading thread title especially on this topic is good for anyone. Prove me wrong about an unequivocal ā€œ+30%ā€ and I will gladly eat my words. Iā€™m not judging the project and would consider myself neutral. If I was trying to sell a product sure, I would stretch the truth a bit. The forum needs a bit of accountability on this.


This is not a random value in the range. You can set compression level to control its exact value.

The title of this thread should be ā€˜Kill Chia for short-sighted greedā€™


I see the only possible benefit of nossd attempt. The Chia team already had a plot compression goal in their future plan. This can speed up. I donā€™t see any result or future for Nossd unless they change behavior.


First impressions last forever.

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This is all clearly an elaborate plot
to de-rail a large amount of chias net space

The more dead worthless plots u waist ur space on.
The better it is for him.

Chia explicitly forbids.
Actions not sanctioned directly from chia.

Shoot even mad max got some spotlight from chia.

And of course this guys ā€œmethodā€ is better.

If it where not better, than no one would use itā€¦
That would not be according to THE plan.

Itā€™s easy to make something better when itā€™s not actually preforming the real work.

Iā€™m assuming no oneā€™s ever tried to open a plot fileā€¦.
Or Just meā€¦

Listen just once

Youā€™ve all Been dupped

Now this is the point where a few idiots speak up and call me a trol.

Donā€™t say Jones didnā€™t warn you.

Blasphe thread

Nothing but Sheep and wolves out here
This is
Social engineering at its finest.
On a mass scale.

I literally said plot compression months ago. And was bood off stage.

Everyone thatā€™s clearly in support of this redicoulus thread cannot be trusted anymore.

Iā€™d suggest even you block them.

Everything about this is just miss information bs.

you cannot get the 0.25XCH (1/8, 12.5% reward of winning a block), its shared by pool. that mean s the bigger your farming is(the more blocks your
plots win), the more 0.25XCHs you will lose, this is not good for big farmers. small farmers will benefit more than big farmers from 0.25XCH shared (small farmers may never win a block, but they still always keep sharing 0.25XCHs). the best choice is only connect 1 or 2 plots to the pool to share the 0.25XCHs.
letā€™s do a math.
pool space 100, tatally 10 blocks, your space 50ļ¼…=50.
if your plots win 5 blocks you should get 1.75100.5+0.255=10, you actually get 200.5=10. it is equal.
but if your plots win 6 blocks, you should get 1.75100.5+0.256=10.25, you actually get 200.5=10. you lose 10.25-10=0.25 it is shared by farmers smaller you.
well your plots should never exceed average line.

by the way , if the pool won a block, can you tell whose plot won the block? all plots connected to the pool use pool owners key.

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letā€™s do a math.
pool space 100, tatally 10 blocks, your space 50ļ¼…=50.
if your plots win 5 blocks you should get 1.75x10x0.5+0.25x5=10, you actually get 20x0.5=10. it is equal.
but if your plots win 6 blocks, you should get 1.75x10x0.5+0.25x6=10.25, you actually get 20x0.5=10. you lose 10.25-10=0.25 it is shared by farmers smaller you.

0.25XCH is shared by farmers smaller than you.

I must say tho. All thies sheeep. Are pretty enticing.

Ya know what

I actually just invented a new plot ā€œliveningā€ tool.


It brings older plots back to lifeā€¦

Just run this in a terminal. in terminal

$$> Sudo add-apt-repository if-you-believe

$&> Sudo apt install yourallidiots

You and Lemonade must be related!

I know you mean well and for the record I donā€™t encourage anyone to use NoSSD, but this is all wrong. There is no difference in this regard between using a regular pool, as a large farm instead gets a outsized reward when a small farm wins a block, in other words small farms give you a larger share of their winnings since they donā€™t keep the 0.25 either.

Anyone can convince at least a few people. There are always fools to be taken.