Taking your old plots to HPOOL Poll

hi, where can i create other wallet ? at chia app or ?

on chia GUI, you can generate new wallet

You periodically withdraw your chia earned via hpool to another wallet.

While you wait for official pool support there is no harm in moving your existing plots to hpool and actually make money. If you are no you are basically loosing money.

The odds of winning are the same. Either you make it a little bit at a time (a very little bit) or you get it all at once (no HPool fees). But if you have a couple hundred plots or less, you need a pool. I’m just not putting that software on any machine I own.

I guess I lied. I took a look at the HPool site a lot more closely and they appear to be a pretty established organization. They have pools for 7 other crypto’s. After thinking it over, I joined HPool. Here is my thought process.

  1. I have been plotting and farming for about a month and have won 2 times (4 XCH, both on the same day). According to the odds, I’m ahead of the curve.
  2. Instead of hoping for more luck and watching my account just sit for the next 4 months while the odds turn on me, I figured I really really wanted to join a pool.
  3. I was counting on Chia getting the pooling added sooner then later. But when I heard the announcement of no solid date, that put me over the edge.
  4. If I isolate the only threat with HPool (the possibility of the software containing malicious intent), I would feel comfortable. So I setup a cold wallet and transferred my Chia. Then setup a VM to run HPool on in case the software is malicious in any way.
  5. I don’t care about the current wallet that the plots are in because I will have to replot anyway. I will just leave HPool running as the old plots get replaced until they are all gone.

NOTE: The people that keep saying “HPool doesn’t ask for your keys” is way wrong. They ask for your mnemonic phrase. That is the key to everything. With that, they have your keys. Bottom line, end of discussion.

My experience so far. I am actually rather impressed. Besides the uncomfortable feeling in the beginning because of all the Chinese text, the software is easy to use and is faster than the Chia software. I can farm my entire NAS library (all 3 NAS devices, 800 plots) from one HPool instance. No search delays. Pretty nice. I plan on transferring out any balance I accrue to my cold wallet. And if something really bad happens (a malicious attack), I will just shut down the VM’s and go on my way.


hate to say it, but contemplating the same thing. And was going to approach it nearly in the exact same way. Gotta throw the plots out later anyway, might as well try this pool.

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Hpool has been good to me. I joined them a month ago with just 1 plot and have been plotting ever since (at a slow speed unfortunately). So far Hpool has paid me 0.5 XCH.

I’m now re-thinking my plan to re-plot when pools come out and maybe I will stay with Hpool forever because re-plotting is a hassle. I used my gaming pc to plot and I haven’t been able to game since the end of April. Even if re-plotting was possible right now,. it’d mean no gaming PC for me for another month. That hardly seems worth it given how well hpool works.

If Bram Cohen had released pooling on May 17, I would have switched. It would have been a no brainer. But if official pools come in July? I think it might be too late for me to switch over, given that my 600 plots are now all but finished.


Doesn’t hpool have a minimum of 2T to earn chia

Edit: never mind didn’t read properly

Very disappointing that Chia failed to release their pooling. I’ve had about close to 400TB for months now and no XCH. :frowning: Checked log and don’t see errors that would indicate should stop me from winning any. I tried to hold it in and not get into the pressure to join HPool, but I am joining today.

Regret I didn’t join earlier and put so much faith on the team for releasing pool feature in a timely manner and end up getting delayed after delayed.

I cannot answer your poll because my response doesn’t exist. Currently solo farming. Winning every few days, but the time is going up. Past few days are a dry spell.

I am going to be moving my solo plots to HPool in the next few weeks. Then when official pools are out, plot to my available capacity, then slowly reduce the solo plots (that will then be farmed on HPool) to zero, replacing them with official pool plots.

They do now but there was no lower limit on hpool back then when netspace was about 2 EIB

Even if they release pool now you have replot which is why hpool is a an easy option once you get over the anti-Chinese/racist FUD.

With 400TB you will win .15 chia/day on hpool even if your long term goal is to move to official chia pool once they are out.

This aged like milk… :laughing:

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I would check your logs again, check everything. If you’ve really had 400 TB for months, I don’t see a mathematical reason why you shouldn’t have won. I have multiple wins with fewer TB in just over a month.

400TB puts you at a 95% chance of winning in 30 at the current net size. Even better odds at the net size from a month ago.

I capitulated today with 1000+ plots and 0 XCH after 49 days. My lowest time to win was under 20 days, sustained for about a week or 2.

I checked all the points of failure, response time, correct reward address, etc. All working perfectly.

I do still think Chia is a great project overall with good people behind it. But obviously the developer’s and small farmer’s interests are not aligned.

They ask for it, but don’t store it, they derive your public keys and store those.

If they are just after your public keys, then they would just ask for your public keys.

Saves confusion and errors by ppl not knowing what’s what if you run the compute on your end and upload only what’s needed.
That being the public keys.
Also makes sure you own the plots, as only you should have access to the pvt key, where as pub keys are public.

This makes no sense. So I need access to your car to drive it into my shop to do maintenance. Go ahead and make me copies of all your keys (house, car, work, other car, safety deposit box …). Don’t worry, I’m only going to use the car key, I’ll throw the rest away. It’s just more convenient this way. You know, because you might give me the wrong key so I’m just going to ask for all of them.

Yeah, right.