Taking your old plots to HPOOL Poll

Hpool has 5.63 EiB, it tells us the pool got 3674XCH per day. But it should be 4788 per day!

How long did it take to complete the Auditing process? Iā€™m going on 2 days now and none of my plots are signed yet. My assumption is that I will not make XCH until the Auditing is completed and my plots are signed, correct?

The ā€œauditingā€ Iā€™m referring to starts when you want to withdraw XCH. Apparently it takes 1 day for each withdrawal request.

It initially takes a while for the plots to appear as signed but I donā€™t recall it was days in my case. It was a matter of hours (I initially signed around 380 plots).

@durin thank you for the quick reply and explanation. As a side note in case others are reading, I saw on another thread that hpool is now manually auditing all new accounts as of May 22. Something to do with people trying to double farm. Iā€™ll report back so others can learn from my experience.

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I see. I created my account on 19th May so never went through that initial auditing. Sharing your experiences would be appreciated by others for sure. :+1:

shit, theyā€™re already at 50%? Isnā€™t thatā€¦ a bad thing?


Do i need to close official gui to start farming on hpool?so what hapens if i farm on both?because im still ploting so i need to have it open

This is only for the official pools though, The way hpool works is by actually using your plots with their own node. So that could be a problem still. Although according to chiaexplorer, they are only 34% soā€¦

You can use CLI to start plotters and close the GUI: CLI Commands Reference Ā· Chia-Network/chia-blockchain Wiki Ā· GitHub

You can plot in the GUI and not farm with it. Just select ā€œExclude Final Directoryā€ when creating plots and it will not add that plot directory to the farming function. Then once you get HPool running, you can just remove the directory from the plot directories and the GUI will not be farming anymore but still creating plots.

isnā€™t everyone in hpool using the same client?

Yes, Hpool has its own client. But he was asking about plotting with the Chia GUI while farming with the HPool client. At least that was my understanding.

Does anyone have a lint that describes the config option of the chia-miner?
Iā€™m looking for the option scanMinute. Does anyone know what is it for?

In the GUI that is described as the auto-load interval, Iā€™m assuming this is the interval it rescans to see if here are new plots, but not sure

took my 1000 plots to HPOOL because CHIA failed to bring out pools on time. Made my first 0.2 and requested a payout I heard payout can take up to 3 days to process, so I wait. agreed you donā€™t give them your keys but a hash via a closed source app (which I heard someone ripped apart and said it was ok).

correct, its for scan new plots


I got my first payout today. It took about 1 day.

Their website shows your daily contribution and watching it shrink day by day is sad. But given the massive growth (itā€™s over 12EiB now!) itā€™s something at least.

So setting the option scanMinute to 60 as in the most tutorials does mean that the client does scan every 60 minutes for new plots?

Im on hpool more than 24h and still 0 revenueā€¦ total online power 158tb, onlineā€¦ my friend is farming with 20 tb and revenue is 0.003 chiaā€¦ my all keys are checkedā€¦ api,fingerprint,pool adress etcā€¦ also i opened console and i see its farmingā€¦