Just like a doctor diagnoses an illness before treatment, understanding Chia’s performance issues is crucial. While discussions on Discord and forums often point to the pre-farm, its impact on price is debatable. In my opinion, compressed plots are the true culprit.
Professional farmers are likely the biggest spot sellers of Chia, with the AMM selling on behalf of CNI possibly contributing as well. Their advantage in cheap electricity allows them to achieve maximum compression and earn over 300% more XCH compared to uncompressed farming.
The attached graph (XCH.farm | Compressed Netspace Estimate for more information) visually demonstrates the underperformance gap that emerged with compressed plots.
Further to the data, let me share my experience. My initial experiment with compressed plots involved Bladebit C8 (if memory serves). As the halving neared, I replotted with GH C18 and, to a lesser extent, C30. Interestingly, I’m currently earning the same XCH as pre-halving. Meanwhile, professional farmers are likely exceeding their pre-halving earnings.Plot Filter Reduction also seems to have fallen short
So, what’s the solution? Holding back pre-farm sales? While acknowledging its potential price impact, it’s akin to treating a bacterial infection with corticosteroids - temporary relief with a worsening infection. We need to tackle the root cause. CNI should prioritize ending plot compression to get Chia back on track.