The send transaction from the official chia application does not pass (pending for long time)

go here and click “delete unconfirmed transactions”, than initialize transaction again with a fee

Be careful about this situation, I have lost about 0.25 Chia in those precesses !

I have the same problem, and tried with different fees for 5-8 times. At last I lost about 0.25 Chia

How can I get my Chia back?

Pray to gods you believe in :deer:

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I canceled transactions, and re-send tem with 0.05 fee (according to docs, this should be enough). And still nothing after 36 hours. This chia network is broken. Someone sending 1 mojo again and again successfully blocked network.


You are confused this is fine.
Eth / btc chain is full all the time and you always need to apply fees.
This is just how it is now. You need to pay to use mainnet.

The original dust storms required sending 1 mojo to make it work (thus had hard limits if not actively farming / replenishing XCH). It may be that this dust storm is instead sending CATs (CAT storm) (to avoid using mojos). (Check your wallet for junk CATs.) Most likely that is just 1 CAT that they change file name for every transaction to make it “unique”. If this is the case, they can keep this going on for quite a long time (this is one of the longest dust storms, if not the longest, especially with this intensity). It started around Dec 15th and it is still going strong.

Chia’s dashboard:

Just got an email 04:00Pm

It seems your transaction has been included in mempool. I have no idea how to cancel it in such case. Just wait. Use another wallet for now.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how chia works.

“It may be that this dust storm is instead sending CATs (CAT storm) (to avoid using mojos).”

  1. looking at any block explorer shows its tx’s with memo fields for inscriptions, not CATs.
  2. (to avoid using mojos) is not correct, you need to use at least one mojo to interact with the blockchain
  3. A tx already contains at least 1 mojo so it sometimes can be sent for free if the blocks are not full. Doing small tx’s between wallets you control would not consume xch however any tx w/ greater than 10 mojos as a fee would sail right past your tx spam.

There is a lot more wrong w/ your message but this covers the important bits.

Thank you for the explanation, I stand corrected.

By the way, do you know how to add that 10 mojo during plotNFT creation or pool changes?

root@old:/chia-blockchain# chia plotnft create -h
Usage: chia plotnft create [OPTIONS]

  Create a plot NFT

  -y, --yes                       No prompts
  -f, --fingerprint INTEGER       Fingerprint of the wallet to use
  -u, --pool_url TEXT             HTTPS host:port of the pool to join
  -s, --state TEXT                Initial state of Plot NFT: local or pool
  -m, --fee TEXT                  Set the fees per transaction, in XCH. Fee is
                                  used TWICE: once to create the singleton,
                                  once for init.  [default: 0; required]
  -wp, --wallet-rpc-port INTEGER  Set the port where the Wallet is hosting the
                                  RPC interface. See the rpc_port under wallet
                                  in config.yaml
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Average fee last 24 hours is 0.006, though this will be used twice.
Note this is next block inclusion level of fees, if you can wait 20 minutes (10 blocks) you have a 90% chance for a 10 mojo fee to be included. In 200 minutes is 99%, and so on. It all depends on how fast you need to change pools / create a plotnft.

You might be able to do 0.004 (nextblock) because the farmers should see they can get the fee twice with minimal additional vbytes so they should consider this a “profitable” tx to include.

Check a block explorer for a estimation on fees.

The gui may have a button it may not, I am not sure.


Thank you for the info. I really should have looked at the CLI reference first.

I was creating plotNFT and used GUI (on a new install). I didn’t notice any button (not that I was looking for it). I am not in the rush but will bump up the fee as needed to not get stuck again.

I have cancelled the original 1 mojo send transaction on the wallet page as there is no provision on the plotNFT panel to cancel that (so, I have a spinner going on for over 24h, hopefully it will resolve itself one way or another).

Paid for 5 min in fees to send Chia and its been 7 days and its still in pending. Do I keep it in pending or cancel it and wait some more. How do I know when it is ok to send again? TIA

Same i have transactions with what i believe to be significant fees sitting for days. Seems strange to me that the high fees are not prioritized like in the bitcoin blockchain.

Someone opened a ticket for me and I am working with them now. I gave them the wallet address and a snapshot. They are currently looking into it.

i just hope you havent gave them your wifes hot photos as well :see_no_evil:

Its most likely a scam, there are users on the forum saying to open a ticket for help, there is no one to open a ticket with (unless its possibly pool related), its got scam written all over it.


I think this is a good time to remind people, ChiaForum is NOT an official Chia company website, its independently operated and has been lacking in active moderation.

It sounds like people are taking advantage of that to message people privately because thats the best way scams work, in private away from others raising the red flags.