Togatech Faucet unknown error

For the last two days, I have been getting unknown error when doing a freeroll on the togatech chia faucet. I have tried a different browser but the error is the same.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

I’d ask here personally.

Thanks for your reply Bones. Unfortunately you can’t ask on the website. There is no community forum or contact us. There is only an FAQ and it doesn’t include this topic. I fear the website have deliberately disabled the faucet because they have run out chia. Third day running ‘unknown error please try again’

Oh yes, I see what you mean :smirk: now. I have done so. If you are able, you can delete this topic. Many thanks for your help.

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Hello there, I run the TogaTech Faucet (the discussion posted above is the best way to contact me). We still have plenty of Chia left, I’ve checked backend and payments are running normally, and I tried claiming which went through. There may be some error with your internet connection or browser, but it seems like you tried a different browser. Please try a different device and see if that works.