Trezor hardware wallet regarding an XCH Coin integration.
The following was replied to me:
Thank you for contacting the Trezor Support Team.
My name is (…), and I’m here to help with any issues or questions.
Thank you for reaching out with your interest in Chia.
At this time, we do not have plans to integrate Chia into Trezor.
Our current focus is on several high-priority projects, including significant enhancements to Trezor Suite, Trezor Suite Lite, and various Bitcoin-related initiatives. (added by me: They probably mean Litecoin…
Trezor Suite and Trezor Suite Lite, sounds like a take on the fact of the Bitcoin to Litecoin protocol.)
(Anecdote: Litecoin was created by a Google employee after he saw Bitcoin on the Internet and wanted to program a similar digital currency. History of Litecoin…)
(added by me: ERC20 and Ethereum similar tokens, such as Bitcoin for example, are meant! Probably Ethereum is like Bitcoin and has equations as only the relation knows.
The initiative, based on Trezor employees, exists between Bitcoin and probably Ethereum tokens and other similar Bitcoin-related projects, such as Solana.)
Additionally, we are excited to be working on a range of new products that we believe will greatly benefit our users. (added by me: LOL)
These projects are taking precedence on our roadmap. (added by me: the path for immoral profit is meant, with roadmap)
We appreciate your understanding and continued support.
Best regards.
This answer once again underscores how backwards Chia Network is viewed - from the outside.
Crypto exchanges, as well as hardware wallet providers, are exclusively focused on profits and not on standard income, but on the maximum that is possible, regardless of whether it makes sense or not.
The “Bubble” cryptocurrency is more current than ever and memecoins promise such companies maximum profits in relation to the actual development and offering of technology.
Such entrepreneurs clearly have no interest in meaningful cryptographic development, but rather want to maximize their profits to the utmost, in the form of current memecoins or strange AI projects that no one needs.
Bitcoin is here, the rest is there and Chia Networks seems to be just the fifth wheel on the wagon these days.
Apparently there is no real interest in the project, or the success of Chia Network, does not want to be taken into consideration.
What do you think of the Trezor and World Team’s point of view?
Is it really just us against the rest of the world?
By the way, Ledger had a similar answer.