What happened? Netspace tanked last 12 hours on May 9, 2021

This morning the netspace was about 3.2EiB, 10 hours later it is sitting at 2.768 EiB and still going down. Something going on in the network? or they detected some double farmers?

There was an issue this morning. It’s been highly advised to update to sync. I’m guessing a good number of people are still offline. Though, I managed a win somehow today at some point, woot! Haven’t upgraded because only just saw the new update and 75% into plotting on windows… waiting it out.


You can relive the chaos unfolding: FYI: Network is down @ block 255108 -- Upgrade to 1.1.5 ASAP


I, for one, welcome the dip in Netspace! Let it get back to under 1EiB :slight_smile:

I think a lot of people jumped in on the excitement only to be staring at a 6 month or 1-2 year time to win and got out too.


This indeed an opportunity for small farmers like me.

Thank you guys!

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I know, right?! I just wish I had updated to 1.1.5 even faster ;). Also major kudos to @Blueoxx who was an absolute champ in currying the information over here to the forum ASAP and herding everyone into the correct topic. This one’s for you, sir :beers:


Would be a weird coincidence for people to pick this moment to pull out because of netspace growth, considering their times are still getting shorter again :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe some people lost confidence in Chia - there was a lot of panic and FUD about The Attack yesterday, on Keybase more than here - but most farmers aren’t gonna pull out anytime soon since their operating expenses are very low compared to the initial investment.