Where is the bottom

Indeed. That’s the holy grail of all trading! Both tops and bottoms, of course.

SOL 53% down in 1 month.
ETH 41%.
BTC 32%.
XCH 25%.

XCH holding up relatively well in comparison.


Could the bottom have been approx $69??

Definitely. It will never drop lower and anyone who buys now, can only make profit.


Fantastic, just sold my Lambo and am going to put all of the proceeds into XCH.


That’s the spirit !
:fire: :fire: :fire:
:rocket: :waxing_crescent_moon:
:racing_car: :racing_car: :racing_car:
(Me in reality : :sweat_smile: holding on my small farm and hoping it doesn’t get any lower)

Still not at the bottom, so I keep buying!

If you anyone knew we weren’t at the bottom, they would wait.

sell me the lambo to me :smiley:

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Guessing where the bottom might be is as useless as the people wondering where the netspace would level off at. Wondering if it would stop going up at 20 EiB (spoiler, it didn’t). I don’t want it to drop but I would not be surprised if it got below $50. I hope it doesn’t, but all I can do it wait and see.


Look at the moving avg’s with the price. A golden cross is being formed which ‘USUALLY’ means a turnaround for the upside. It is nice to see XCH is up 15.46% at the time of this post for one week. The eight hour and daily are following. I believe more news is shortly forthcoming as well. It was also cool to see Bram be Elon on Twitter and would HODL at this price. The $70’s I hope are in our rearview mirror forever.

This post didn’t age well. But even 18 days ago there was a bunch of good news. You aren’t paying attention.


How much does Chia pay you?

I’ve noticed a bit of resilience with Chia. It had gone up when others went down! Minor amounts but still noteworthy in my mind. I’m a part time optimist whereas I’ve dabbled as a full time pessimist previously. I’m not a cheerleader but at the same time I’m encouraged from what I see in terms of credibility. I think the general negativity out there is asinine. An emerging technology that is more popular and mainstream than ever before is not going to do what it did 8 years ago, let alone 4 years ago. Bear this. When I say this, I mean this.

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I didnt count posts,
but I think its time again, to mention,
that price today doesnt matter as real profits are expected after 3-5yrs.


7% down today, approx $74 now.

Crypto Crash for everyone across the board…This Russia deal is throwing everything into turmoil. I hope this stuff just stops. The world does not need more drama. IMHO


Well, WW3 would make cryptos crash like never before, imho.

If WW3 breaks out, I’m not worried about crypto.

The most bottom of bottoms is 0 + ε.