Why chia price never raise?

You sound like panicking?

hahaha. guess reading and understanding is a bit difficult for you.
no problem. do your thing.

“we are bumping the fill rate to 70%. We intend to continue increasing this rate in the second half of 2024, until it reaches 100%”

So I guess actual usage of chia is increasing

Depends on how much you pay for electric.
Folks in places like most of Europe and California are LOSING money to farm right now.
I’m in the 3’d cheapest place in the USA for electric cost - and it’s getting a bit marginal even for ME.

To elchof:
There are times that higher compression is LESS cost per effective TB.
Look at the DrPlotter information for some examples - the issue there is the cost of the hardware IF YOU DON’T ALREADY HAVE IT or plan to get it for something else ANYWAY.

First of all everybody has to make the decision that makes sense for him/her. Won’t judge BUT it is kind of obvious that all these people running scared now will be double "punished when the hype starts. its a given that the real price explosions so far are always HYPE explosions. freaking meme coins had better runs. so you can either go cry or realize its just a matter of time before the same happens with chia. not even saying its a good thing but its inevitable. with chia you make a bet on people like Bram or gene. period. take it or leave it. would I suggest putting all my eggs into this one basket? hell no. who would?

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You are assuming “the hype” will start.
There has been hype about Chia for years now.
Hype does NOT always cause a price explosion, or there would be a LOT of coins trying to argue with Bitcoin or at least Ethereum pricing.

Also, hype is NOT always the reason for a price explosion - sometimes it’s a major gain in usability, like when some major retail locations started accepting Bitcoin.

And NOTHING is “inevitable”.
Bram is NOT the first “name” to back a coin.

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price = utility
price = hype or manipulation

Chia has no utility yet as all cryptos. They aim for corporate, government. Adoption takes 20-50 years.

Crypto market disagrees clearly!

Profitable is the very definition of utility. ( oxford english )

according to this information can we say useless or pointless for chia?

Crypto MARKET has been saying “little to no UTILITY” for most of the existence of Chia, and the “goodwill” of being founded by Bram has mostly or entirely run out as far as the market is concerned.

Someones profiting… so no.

You stated,

If that were true, who bought all that eth and btc? How many made bank?

Alot! So it has great utility.

Sure few govts have pushed price back down with selling seized coins recently, but thats part of it.

Someone buying to potentially make a profit is totally different to it having utility.

Off course no doubt BTC a ETH was very useful for criminals, but for the average person what real use have they had?

Yes at some points in time you use various crypto currency to buy material things, but currently not much.

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you are confusing speculation with utility darling.

Even on BitcoinCon, you can’t buy shit with BTC there :smiley: I have used BTC back in 2008 for currency swaps…even made some money. Shortly afterwards, they over-regulated/screwed everything.

Nowadays, we have borderless accounts, and can swap any currency for less than crypro/fiat swaps.

Where do you use it? can you buy food? Do you think war zones have network coverage?

useless aka shitcoin :wink: I can pay with gold/silver anywhere, and nobody can steal it. No 2FA, no centralized crap, 5000y old money that survived all fiat crap, corruption…you name it

" the state if being useful, profitable, or benificial." Oxford english definition.

I didnt publish the oxford english dictionary, take it up with them.

Anglos, pinacle of freedom, strong spine ROFL

There is definition in real life UTILITY Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com

Even according to Oxford, it doesn’t fit to any of its definition.

Profitable - where do you use the “profit” apart from HODL?

Useful - no use anywhere with few exceptions.

Beneficial - ad above by :wink:

You can dream about it whatever you like. I still prefer hard assets.

Not sure where looking, either way you’re just nitpicking (I thought you we’re better than that), I think the majority will agree that XCH has no real utility.

Again, not my dictionary, but it is english.

Your argument is with them not me.

Ill carry on using the definition i chose, thanks.

I was being petty, with a nonsense statement that " all crypto has no utility "
Which is utter BS.

I cited my source, twice.

Your not even in agreement with yourself.

No use + few uses = use