Chaos Computer Club

Many companies and cryptocurrency “clubs”, as well as AI-controlled protocols, describe their future careers according to their optimal ideas as a roadmap.

Here is a basic example of a roadmap that has been consistent and true to the cause since the 80s until today.
Many cryptocurrencies and projects had copied exact ideas and ideals and presented their own roadmap to the public to show its necessity, to answer the question of what purpose and what benefit actually makes sense.

This explanation comes from the Chaos Computer Club:

The roots of the Chaos Computer Club go back to 1981.
Back then, hackers, self-described “computer frieks,” met at the table in Commune 1 of the taz newspaper in Berlin as part of the “tu-wat” congress.
They had recognized the possibilities of the emerging electronic data networks and wanted to put them to creative use and exchange ideas.
The meeting initially led to the informal founding of the Chaos Computer Club and continued as a regular meeting in Hamburg.

Since 1984, the CCC has hosted the annual Chaos Communication Congress.
In the same year, the first issue of Data Spinner, the trade journal for data travelers, was published.
In order to avoid legal misunderstandings, the Chaos Computer Club was founded in 1986 as a registered association (e.V.) to promote freedom of information and a human right to at least unhindered communication worldwide.
In addition to the Congress, many other regular events take place today.

In addition to the hacker ethics, the preamble to the statutes, formulated as a “mission statement,” clearly emphasizes the association’s core idea of ​​transparency of government actions and corresponding infrastructures as a prerequisite for democratic development.
From the outset, the club was organized decentrally in so-called Erfa circles (“experience exchange circles”), whose decentralized work is fed back into club life in various forms.

With currently around thirty experience groups and over 8,000 members, the CCC e. V. is the largest organized hacker association, which is in informal contact and exchange with hacker spaces and less organized groups.

Through high-profile actions such as the BTX hack, the Blinkenlights project, the publication of Wolfgang Schäuble’s fingerprint, the manipulation of voting computers and the publication of the state trojan, the CCC has made a name for itself by clearly commenting on the social effects of technical developments.
The club’s expertise is therefore in demand: from the Federal Constitutional Court to data protection committees to business forums and legal conferences, the experts participate in reports, statements, lectures and demonstrations and thus contribute to the formation of public opinion.

To ensure that the fun with the device is not neglected, the Erfa circles organize independent lecture series, workshops, conferences and competitions. (each year)

Basically, this statement writes the general topic of cryptography and related cryptocurrencies and decentralization and the natural human needs and rights in the age of technology, modernity and freedoms before AI dominance.
Such structures are rarely found in real implementation alongside Bitcoin and similar protocols, which try to preserve the actual basic idea but do not implement it.

How do you think the Chia Network could improve or change something from the basic idea and implementation to the current technologies?

When it comes to privacy in context, I find zk-SNARK, Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge the most interesting and promising, implementing an ideal that is unique and I am grateful that this approach met with interest.
As mentioned: unique.

Any thoughts and opinions?

MY opinion is that this was a not very coherent wall of spam.


Maybe you should read the text first instead of just overviewing it?
I describe an incident on the current technical topic of blockchains!

This is not a voucher label online, that rewards you when you read it, or a fraudulent, more modern development, from a call center somewhere else, where it has to be kept short and completely irrelevant.

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My problem is that I DID try to read it - and it made no sense to me.

Not as bad as a Kamala Harris “word salad meaning nothing” type of thing, but not all that far away.

Then why are you even interested in Bitcoin, or the Chia Network?
Don’t you think that older people who have been dealing with the topic for much longer than young people, like you and me, simply have more to say and are also more knowledgeable?

Why word salad?
With this idea, crypto projects are discussed and published in the Western world, such as Europe and North America, as well as Asia such as China, or in Africa.
The basic idea is retained and described in the same way by most new crypto projects.
It is irrelevant whether of these countless projects that maintain decentralization and improvements to computer science or not.
These people had an idea and it was implemented and it worked in its own way.
Even if, for example, the development was taken from a research industry and structured in a new way and published out of moral self-interest, in the form of Bitcoin.

Free thinking is and always will be a human right.
This also includes discussions and exchange of information.
I used to be told in school that people are there to communicate with each other.

Crypto in relation to finance as currencies and value-storing systems should have a use and be implemented in a visionary manner and not simply developed like a video game and then sold…
That is the idea and young people with technical interests should be given this freedom!
It is the right of all new generations to independently create technical developments and to approve or support them.
We live in a fast time and young generations like us deserve it and the right to develop and think further, especially since all of our youth have been and are being shaped by modern technology and digital technology.
Perhaps it is precisely because of this digitalized world that young people think faster and bring connections together succinctly.

Slow Time harbors outdated ways of thinking that were normal before computers.
We have been living in the information system for a long time, which is characterized by computer technologies and the Internet.
This is the notable advantage of human development and faster communication processes than if, comparatively speaking, without a computer machine, you had to wait for eternally slow days until you could transmit information.

The Internet is a place for information and it’s up to you whether you like to find out more, learn, or want to exchange ideas about certain topics.

For example, I like to listen to podcasts like Joe Rogan on YouTube in addition to funny videos.
Information that has been previously described and meaningfully discussed through research on the topic of interest is also included.
I think that’s normal, right?

Why do you ASSUME I am “young people”?
I was active on BitcoinTalk YEARS ago, among other things.

Cryotocoin is not about “improving computer science”, though it USES some in it’s work.

I also get tired of Harris-type “word salads” where someone claims to be saying something important but are actually wasting my time with incoherent rants about nothing. I want to exchange information, not wade through walls of spam claiming to be about something important but bearing little or no information content.

Why is that so hard to understand?


Okay, then excuse me… I thought you were also from the generation around the 90s.
I personally can’t see oranges anymore, for whatever reason, but you don’t have to be offensive if someone has a different opinion or has a different idea.
also with the Cryptocoins you described

But was Bitcoin previously described as Cryptocoin in the Bitcoin Forum?
I don’t know it.
But if you are not interested in my topic, you don’t need to answer my question.

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Bitcoin was often referred to as the original Cryptocoin in the forums, in multiple threads I’m aware of.
After all, it is and was.

It wasn’t the original “crypto” Internet project - that would probably be one of the DES projects that eventually led to creation - but those had no actual cryptocoin type stuff involved.

For reference - calling me a Boomer isn’t an insult, it’s literal truth and I tend to laugh at people that try to insult me with that word. 9-)

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Good explanation
I understood.

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