Memecoins and questionable fun on Chia Network

Chia Network is a company for serious attention to real applications.

The core idea of ​​Chia should also be considered, respected and accepted by interested parties in the current status of the Chia Network, as before!

There are networks where no one cares what strange names, ruthless energy for “quick money” with “pump and fun” oriented types of fraud are initiated, like Solana.
There are memes that are really entertaining and “fun”, as well as memecoins that are of interest to “fans” of these memes, such as collectors of cards, any rare card, from older editions.
That’s completely understandable and okay, in my opinion.

But memes/personal opinions and also their value creation, in the form of digital coins and real financial resources, which are an allusion to malicious and low-level associations, is in my opinion a crime!
This is a completely evil form of Internet development that has now taken on a new form.
It is a shame that such bad and sometimes profoundly evil innuendos, in relation to other people or events, can acquire a financial value, the damage of which, regardless of loss of value, is other than the fact that such a monetary policy even exists in the form of memes + “coins” .

Other networks also have memes and slightly misguided humor (if you can even call it humor) but the horrific nature of Solana’s is pretty new.

With Solana, a community is not forced to buy such malicious “fun” memes with a gift card, as with entertainment providers (e.g. Netflix) with inflammatory content that is given a value, but such a community is forced to deal with the presence to make friends in a strange way.

I mean Google also offers the opportunity for developments and applications that are designed for fun, but later you cannot buy such fun-oriented applications with a Google Playstore card from the store, in the Google Playstore.
Because Google separates such apps like wheat from chaff and does so for the safety of users as best as this company can.

There are good people and bad people anyway, just as there are good projects, consequent development and application, in the digital space, as well as bad ones with the same “performance”.

What do you think about such a development in the cryptocurrency sector and how can such unpleasant acts be prevented on the Chia Blockchain?

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