Hi everyone,
I recently updated my farmer to the latest OS (Ubuntu Server 24_04) and installed Chia version 2.5.2. After starting the farmer and waiting for it to sync, I encountered the following error:
RPC response failure: {"error": "Error fetching timestamp from all peers", "success": false}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/inty/chia-blockchain/chia/rpc/util.py", line 78, in inner
res_object = await f(request_data)
File "/home/inty/chia-blockchain/chia/rpc/wallet_rpc_api.py", line 4214, in get_farmed_amount
await self.service.get_timestamp_for_height(last_height_farmed) if last_height_farmed > 0 else 0
File "/home/inty/chia-blockchain/chia/wallet/wallet_node.py", line 1108, in get_timestamp_for_height
raise PeerRequestException("Error fetching timestamp from all peers")
chia.wallet.util.wallet_sync_utils.PeerRequestException: Error fetching timestamp from all peers
Additionally, my farming status shows: Not synced or not connected to peers.
I’ve tried restarting the farmer and ensuring my system is up to date, but the issue persists. Has anyone else encountered this error after updating to Chia 2.5.2? Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated!
Currently resolving in discord support channel.
Actions so far:
Updated computer timezone and sync’d time
Renamed config.yaml and ran chia init
Current status: Waiting for peers to connect.
Manually finding peer ip addresses with dig dns-introducer.chia.net +short
and adding with chia peer full_node -a <ipaddress>:8444
I will update this once fully resolved
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@madderhat First and foremost, thank you for guiding me to the right direction. It seems the issue was likely caused by a firewall rule that was automatically added when I configured a static IP. I noticed that I wasn’t receiving any responses when attempting to connect to nodes. After troubleshooting, I resolved the issue by switching the static IP configuration back to dynamic. Now, everything syncs and runs perfectly!
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Setting a static IP won’t trigger a firewall rule. The DNS server must be manually assigned when you set a static IP. The DNS server is assigned automatically by your DHCP server. Without a DNS server assigned, it can look like a firewall issue because your system doesn’t know where to send the traffic, but it’s not a firewall issue.
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I don’t have a large, complex network, but I still use reserved IPs on my dhcp server for all of the important stuff. It makes administrations so much easier and is the best of both. It allows me to forward ports without explicitly configuring static IP addresses.
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I do exactly the same. Reseving IPs on the DHCP server makes it a lot easier to manager. My router handles DHCP and DNS for my network so I also assign a name for each host. This allows my to connect to host.home on my network instead of using the IP address. The name is also persistent if the IP changes, so in some cases, reservations aren’t needed. It makes it super easy when you have high segmentation with various vlans and subnets.
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