Gigahorse GPU Plotter, GPU Farmer, Plot Sink: Boost Your Chia Farm by 47.2%! Plot in <2 Minutes

The answer is you need to scale so that the addition of a single 140W GPU has a smaller impact on your total power usage.

This encourages greener setups from lower power drives/TB to single system harvesters. For instance my 5PiB farm runs on a single harvester that uses 90watts with a total power of 2100w. If I need to add a GPU @140w so I can run C8 I will do it for the small 5%-6% increase in power. Not true for people with multiple harvesters.

The larger the farm the higher the efficiency for adding a GPU. When I go to 10PiB at 4200w, 140W GPU is only 3% increase in total power.


Do you feel guilty at all that you steal nossd’s compressed plots innovation and then take a dev fee?
I use your free plotter by the way, so I see the irony!
Can you at least send them commission/licence fee?

I cry no tears for them, just as I cry no tears for Hpool. It’s like having a rowdy neighbor you have to tolerate because we all live on the same street. I’m tired of the rusty cars and dogs off leashes.


That gave me a proper laugh, thanks for that


I’m loving every minute of this, it’s the most exciting thing to happen in this space since mainnet or maybe NFT pooling :sunglasses:.

You probably haven’t noticed yet that this thing is closed-source, gets dev fee and (OMG) use compressed plots too… :latin_cross: :orthodox_cross: :dizzy_face:


I didn’t steal nothing, I figured it out myself. And the dev fee is for the GPU implementation anyways.


And your point is exactly what…that we can’t read… or …

I’m your bigest fan. Luv u man


That @Captain_Plots-a-lot likes one thing and dislikes the other for no reason.

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Yeah ok, good point I was only looking at my own situation there. And as Max said, my small farm could run with something much lower tier that might only take 50W or so

So I guess the real question then is how many plots at C8 level can a 3060 handle?

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A 3060 can farm around 2 PB of C8 at the current plot filter of 512. (MMX will be 256 on testnet10 and mainnet)

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Thanks Max, is this on the spreadsheet? Would be good to know so I can calculate what compression makes sense based on farm size. With 5PiB it does not sound like a 3060 would handle C8. What about C7?

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hello @madMAx43v3r
when do you plan to release this new version?


This chart has a 40% safety margin, which you don’t really need.

For large farms like yours C7 is recommended. C8 only if you have cheap power.


In a couple weeks, like early / mid Feburary.

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So what about when I go to 10PiB later this year, is C7 still possible with 3060 on PCIe3.0?

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Was that your laptop 3060? Also I assume this is without ocing it.

The hardware requirements are preposterous.


If the RTX 3060 is limited to a Gen2 x4 link, what effect would that have on plotting? How about farming?

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