MaxioPool - World’s first PPS Chia Farming Pool has Launched

Competely different plotters, ours is parallel plotter based on chiapos v1.0.3, madmax is single plotter. Choose the one that works with your configuration :slight_smile:

I like ours for its automation - set and forget, attached 10 usb drives and when you come back a month later its all done!

Thanks that answered my questions. I see the points charts now. is there a way to get the total of the average points on there as well?

I know, I know, picky picky. you’ve done an awesome job so far by the way thanks for all you do.

Thank you positive feedback recevied :slight_smile: I take this suggestion to our team and discuss, you may see it in the future.

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Thanks I’m gonna check it out but need couple more question does MaxioShovel gonna be available for linux user? And I have some plots from other pool which I want to try joining this pool. Do I need to replot everything? Thanks

If these plots you mentioned are pooling plots, then no, simply switch over by changing pools. If they are OG plots, then you’ll have to re-plot.

There are far too many Linux options, we are not planning to build one at this stage, having said that it all depends on the demand & interest.

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Would like to share some interesting stats Our Pool vs Spacepool

Spacepool’s top farmer averaging 100TB in the last 24 hours and earned 0.0152 XCH
If the same farmer farm in our pool in the last 24 hour, he would have earned 0.189 mXCH x 100TB = 0.0189 XCH
We are paying 24% higher!
On top of this everyone gets bonus 2-4 hours block reward bonus if our pool wins a block.
We’d love to see a block won in the near future, then we can compare again!

Point of this post is to show smaller pools are not necessarily paying worse, espeically for a PPS pool like us :slight_smile:

Please explain how
Your paying people out of your own pocket to mine in your pool?
How is this sustainable?

Looks very unclear

Master also has negative connotations…so you may want to avoid that too.

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Madmax plotter supported with your pool?

It doesn’t matter how your plots are made. If they pass the plot checker they are valid plots. CLI Commands Reference · Chia-Network/chia-blockchain Wiki · GitHub

No matter what name you pick, It will have a negative connotation. I am sure if you named it “Generic Name 1”, “Generic Name 2”, … Someone will start hollering.


Hi Bones,

Yes, that’s how PPS works, the long term average luck will stay around 100% to ensure pool does not go down under. We are also in for long run with sufficient funding for the entire team and the operation.


Pools use difficulty to estimate the total netspace you have, its only an estimate in our effort. The orange line is more accurate but take at least 24 hours, I suggest letting it run for a little longer and check again.

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That really did not answer my question, but thanks for trying I guess.

It doesn’t matter what you have in reserves, you need to be profitable.

Maybe it’s just that your .5% or .4% is enough to cover you paying everyone a 2 to 4 hour bonus.
Maybe the bonus is not actually that large.

It’s just that alarm bells start ringing in my mind sometimes.

Anyway, I’ve no reason to distrust you.
All the best.

LoL you got that right!

can you please revise this math? im confused,

0.189 X 100 = 18.9

what is the proper formula to be used?

1 XCH = 1000 mXCH (milliXCH)

0.189 mXCH = 0.000189 XCH

0.000189 XCH / per TB Day * 100 TB = 0.0189 XCH


Our top farmer has just received his first payout he’s very happy :slight_smile:


I have made plots on Maxio but on the GUI it’s staying at zero for the number of plots. Am I doing something wrong as I’m on the chocolate nft and the plots competed just fine. Any help would be nice. Ty.
