MaxioPool - World’s first PPS Chia Farming Pool has Launched

This is most likely a display error, a confirmed block index was being shown instead of found block index.Hope this make sense.

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It may make sense if you can give us the real block numbers and put it in your website so we can confirm your claims against the blockchain. Otherwise, this looks bad.

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Looking at the wallet address above, rewards are not confirmed on that block addresses. Is there any explanation for this?

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Now I can’t understand how it works. Can you explain? I can’t identify relation between coins pointed on pool site and coins in wallet you gave. It confuses very much.

Thanks for your answers ))

I figured that’s what it was, but I don’t think the GUI is even specific about which block it is. It’s a “Coin” page so it makes sense those are the blocks of the reward coins, not the actually farmed block. It would be nice to have another UI listing the farmed blocks (And maybe even a special icon on farmer’s pages if they won a block for the pool).

But I think this guy running in here with a bunch of FUD without understanding what is actually occurring is doing a disservice. There was a way to ask these questions without accusing folks of fraud.

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My real Farming Space is 38.9 TiB at the moment and growing about 8Tib/day. Still in the dashboard the avarage is 32 TiB at the moment. But jumping up and down a lot. Biggist amount in the last 24h is 55TiB and the lowest is 6 TiB. What is going on?

I think I shoud be on the top farmer list anyhow, not I’m there.

How much is your payout every day.

maxio-pool has 4.7PB, that is 0.0015 % of pool space, even if TRUE, winning prob say’s he would only earn 1 xch day with 4.7PB, the miner said he just won 8 hrs ago, then he shouldn’t win again for +16hrs.

Payout are what they are at 4.7pb ( if true ) he shoud see 1.5xch/day, not even one block.

If he claims that he’s getting a block a day this is a statistical improbability which means you need to demand proof.

The real dumb question is why even mine on pool that doesn’t even win a block a day??? HPOOL wins block every 2 minutes.

MaxioPool is PPS… you get paid per valid share submission regardless if the pool finds a block or not.

Hpool does not use the official pooling protocol and cannot be trusted. Do not use Hpool.


The block was not really “won” by anyone. Chia is not like BTC or ETH mining where there is always a sole block reward recipient, instead there can be multiple block reward recipients; any farmer whose plots pass are rewarded.

In your query block 558988 had multiple reward recipients within the block (10 transactions and 4 rewards). Currently xchscan only shows the farmer + pool address of just 1 reward recipient (in this case yes it’s a solo farmer as derived by the farmer+pool address being the same - but there’s also 3 other “winning” farmers who are not shown).

Maxiopool seems to be a good pool. They respond on discord within minutes and you can actually see what your getting everyday without even getting a chia. And when they do come in i actually get a piece of the pie. Im a small fry (under 500 plots) and dont want to join the likes of hpool from what ive read.


I’m liking Maxiopool also. I am at $150, I dont like to spend lots of money to invest into these things. But I do like how much I see representations from the pool themselves.

I’m still replacing all my plots… YAY!

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I am using pool so far so good have weekly chia giveaway to all farmer

Is there any relation of your post to the heading??