Netspace Plateauing?

China farming they earn per day many millions and invest soon even pools not will live no point any more farming and plotting if you wanna invest 50k usd then can try otherwise no point. Netspace will be next week 20 EiB You will see

Says the guy that offers a plotting service. Kind of a biased post.

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Its business. What owe that owe . But to buy new hdd not see point its not worth and to expensive. You will never catch China and china will kick off all players. Only chance if price will be 5000 usd or 10000 usd per coin. Otherwise no point.
Many ploting services thats why self not mining self just plotting because can earn money good.
you will see 1 month more many will start sell HDD every where

You don’t see any of the Chinese players exiting with the new crypto policy?

Is chiaexplorer broke or has it really been hovering around 10.4EiB for the last 24 hours?

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There seems to be a problem as it also shows no new addresses added over the last 24 hours

Yeh, the dashboard says 10.79EiB but the explorer says 10.4EiB. Bad when the same site contradicts itself. The Chia software says 10.54EiB. No matter which one is right, the growth rate has definitely slowed over the last 36 hours. Interesting.

fingers crossed it stays that way for a while, 1EiB per day was really a bit too much :crossed_fingers:

They had a hiccup in their data ingest, as evidenced by the completely flat 'new addresses graph" at the time (sorry, i did not screenshot). It is recovering already and should be back up to speed soon.

Yep. Sorry guys. The site was attacked and data could not be imported during the attack. Measures have been put in place to prevent that particular attack from being possible again.


I think people realized to get an ROI they have to plot quickly, and to something. The only way to scale that fast is cloud, and cloud is not cheap. Therefore unless you are already set up plotting, or have plots, the profitability is getting questionable.

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Going down for last 16 hours now.
New day, new hope :sweat_smile:


Looks like a dent in a giant mountain!

Hope you’re right though :crossed_fingers:

Probably related to pooling. Don’t get your hopes up.

Yeah some people stopped plotting now as they wait for the pooling protocol. I assume it’ll go straight up upon release again.

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But stopping plotting would not make it go down. It would just level off or slow down. Going down means people are pulling their existing plots off the net. More are pulling off than new ones being created.

I do agree it will climb again when pools come out. But even though the protocol is supposed to be released in a few days, that doesn’t mean a pool will be ready any time soon. It will be a race to get them online.


yeah it could have tons of reasons, including wrong reporting.
Maybe some cloud providers trew a bunch of customers out or something.
I’m not getting my hopes up too much, prolly just a glitch again. To go from 1EiB/day to a decline…that means an entire country just went offline :sweat_smile:

I don’t think it is a glitch (like yesterday’s chiaexplorer attack) because the Chia GUI is showing the same pullback. I agree, I am not getting my hopes up.

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i saw a chinese video yesterday says some people cheating hpool software to get fake plots connect to hpool, and hpool doing update to filter out cheated plots also chinese gov start cranking down crypto mining sites in china so might affect the netspace size (for now?! )

Statement on their website:

HPOOL on recent withdrawals, accounting audit delays

Recently, HPOOL cleaned the abnormal account of the mine pool. In order to remove the problem calculation in the Hpool-Chia mine pool. HPOOL selects suspected problematic accounts through data analysis and reviews them on a daily basis.

The clean-up was not made public to prevent unusual account data from going offline to avoid scrutiny. During this period, we reduced the withdrawal speed (to avoid the withdrawal of the problem account), and the calculation force binding was changed from automatic pass to audit pass (to avoid the problem account using a new ID to re-camouflage into the mine pool). It also leads to a lot of questions about HPOOL on the Internet and even abuse, rumors, framed and so on. But we still choose to endure the humiliation, insist on continuing investigation!

The hpool-chia pool ran for over 2 months. There are many problems that have been affecting the normal operation of the mine pool, such as: double mining (the wallet and the mine pool share the same file for mining), false computing force (artificial forgery of computing force file), network DDoS attack (concurrent traffic attack on our server).

Since the hpool-chia pool went online, here are some data to share with users:

  1. Double digging (mining pool and wallet at the same time) : Now detected about 170 daily account was banned for double digging (this means that there are 170 pieces every day should have a piece of pool in mines was rubbed away for double digging, but really want to receive double digging a punishment of less than 10%, and because the growth of the entire network to calculate force yields are low, calculate momentum of double digging force small account, instead have enhanced trend).

  2. False calculation: Participated in mining by forging false calculation documents to obtain illegal profits. At present, the false calculation force has been investigated and verified with 500P+, among which the largest ID is involved with 180P, and the false calculation force is still under review.

Network DDoS Attacks: The hpool-chia pool has been subjected to DDoS attacks (DDoS attacks are illegal!). There have even been several instances of web page attacks leading to emergency server maintenance. These attacks can come from outside competitors, maliciously discrediting the forces discrediting HPOOL, or deliberately retaliating for an account being blocked by a cheating detection. The hpool-chia pool has been attacked more than 70 times and is still being attacked at 2-3 times a day. Now HPOOL has communicated with server operators and relevant law enforcement departments to trace the source, and will be dealt with according to law once it is traced.

  1. At present, there are many “We Media”, public accounts and short video accounts that release pictures, advertorials and videos (the contents are all false data or conjecture, and then the chapters and sentences are broken through one-sided screenshots). To spread rumors, to frame, to smear HPOOL. Some of the relevant contents have been removed/deleted after communication, but some still refuse to communicate. For the relevant author subjects, HPOOL has engaged lawyers for further processing.

Everything that Hpool does is to ensure the benefit of the users within the pool. Due to the large number of accounts involved, the review of withdrawal and calculation force binding is still being accelerated. Please be patient! It is expected that the automatic audit will resume after