Replotting to Chives

Chives has halfing .

Good reason for a large farm quickly, lolz! :crazy_face:

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Bitcoin has a mathematical limit, chives hasn’t. After 12.5 chives on block the reward will no decrease anymore.

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This is the same for Chia (different numbers i cant be bothered to look it up atm) so this is something they copied from Chia. And with good reason as people are now actually starting to get worried about the ramifications of what will happen when bitcoin hits 0 block reward

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Blaming an innocent party is the opposite of justice.

Hard to find innocent parties these days. This includes ourselves.

Making good decisions about how you spend your life, time and capital helps you, at least, become less complicit with the many directly guilty parties.

If I was trying to start an argument and point fingers I would have started a thread announcing, “How horrible Chia is!”. I did not and am not saying this.

I am saying that I choose not to contribute to any effort that I find runs against my good conscience.

As for the World Bank and “Blame”, this has been widely covered for years. You can choose to ignore evidence of the negative effects of the World Banks’ loans, carbon pricing and other policies but I choose not to.

If you buy a shirt that was made using forced or even slave labor you are in no way complicit to the crime if you have no knowledge that the crime is occurring. If you buy that same shirt knowing it was produced by slave labor then you are morally complicit but not legally so. If your only care is legality then you have nothing to worry about.

Personally, If I knew, I would choose not to buy the stained shirt on moral grounds.

Chia is not employing slave labor, nor is the World Bank, but the World Bank and its sub-structure have a documented history of facilitating the sale of lands and resources from the counties they “help” to international corporations and harming the inhabitants by doing so and by other policies.

Based on new disclosures and prior beliefs, this shirt has become too stained for me to continue wearing.

Now you’re just searching for an argument. I won’t play.

I have said and done what I felt I wanted and needed to.

You are, of course, free to do the same.

Be happy and well! :smiley:

Sorry Slug … I’m ignoring you from now on. I have muted your comments and PMs.

No, in point of fact, you were the one who laid out bait in this thread. Go look up the chain in the thread. A great new feature for the forum would be to have straw poles. We could ask everyone do you think ASPY68 laid out bait irrelevant to the thread? As in other threads you are now accusing your challenger of what you did originally.

oh crap I go with @Aspy68 's thinking @SlugPlot , seems your goal is promoting your endeavour in this world and defending 200%

and there we go again …

Screenshot - 2021-11-09T235510.185

So typical for watching topics for…

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And what’s your proof of that? Another trial by rumor and opinion? Maybe you should get pitchforks and a rope.

The only XCH I hold right now is in my Farming Wallet and I don’t work for any of these companies nor government agencies.

But putting me on the defensive is exactly again against the spirit of innocence being presumed. Since you both like presuming guilt when do we all start presuming your guilt?

Oh look Aspy68 said he had muted the thread but he is replying…

That was your first line, comeon be honest …

Fer sure, lol!

I only attend the forum in spurts and split time with a tv on in background, but while here I spend too much time watching the same. :rofl:

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Watching again infinity war on disney+ lol … you can tell I’m bored

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Hefty , sounds you have a serious issue if you apply that stuff … maybe a moderator or an admin should look into your sayings as that is deffo a no go

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Oh that’s just bait because you’re implying you can’t understand simple sarcasm.

Just like eighth grade children you want to blame people without proof. What else do you want for free?

I do understand sarcasm but that was a tad beyond and pretty sure you know that also

Free, what I want ? in al honesty nothing I’m happy as I am

chia and chives are like eth and etc at this stage.

I personally don’t care much about the banking system and its involvement.
Difficulty on chives was 7 pb when I start plotting, and now it is 190+ pb. Profitability is twice as much because you need to replotting unlike other altcoins. For me this is a chance to return the investment, and forget it. I don’t understand those who are waiting for something, fully support replotting. :hourglass_flowing_sand:


Agreed! It is not all about the banking system or ones’ beliefs on the subject.

Out of the forks Chives stood out to me as having the most potential for profitability, retention of value, and long life.

Now I just have to figure out how to get the most Chives plots per day out of my machine, lolz! :crazy_face:

Time for me to the join the Chives forum and reddit! :sunglasses:

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