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I texted Gil at the end of April to let him know that I was using
It would be great if he could find some time to keep working on the updates.

Releases · gilnobrega/farmr · GitHub

Not sure whether to raise it here or post as a new message but my Farmr has been giving out some strange figures particularly around response times recently. I’m a bit concerned as my expected time to win is 10 days (currently no blocks >40 days)

I’ve manually checked the logs but I can’t see where these figures are coming from. I’ve cleared the logs & restarted Farmr but the same long response times (& missed challenges!) are showing up

Manual search of logs terms “looking” “error” “warning” etc now flagging up any issues

Average response time 0.30 Worst 2.69 seconds

Love the Farmr tool but this is confusing me. Any thoughts?

Thats only 4 x average, so if it were on its own totally normal.

Im also at 4x expected time to win.

Your longest response time is definately an issue that needs looking at, @ > 76 seconds but if youve deleted your logs since its to late to track down why that happened now.

Personally i wouldnt worry about

Sometimes the farmr back end was dropping and causing error reporting but ive not seen it hapoen in a while now.

Have you updated to the latest version of farmr?


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Thanks, yes I think I’m on the latest version (?Jan release) across all my harvesters.
The old logs are accessible but I cannot see reference to those response times.

I backed up the logs to a separate drive & then deleted them to see if that “reset” the Farmr readout but strangely it hasn’t which is what made me wonder if its a bug

I think the data goes from your end to a server where that info is reported.
It alters every 24hrs , so maybe the server stores it for 24 hrs, or stores it locally on your machine somewhere , but im guessing here.

That long response time is possibly from restarting a node / harvester.
Thats normally the only time i see such long times on mine, as such it possibly doesnt appear in logs.

I believe this is the latest release.

So if you open the latest ( or previous to current if latest is newly created) debug log in notepad and search for 76.49 you don’t find any entry with that in it? If so, yes that is quite strange.

Little buggy this morning, one can dream.

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We need to get Gil interested again on working on Farmr next version, this is such a cool APP that we all need.

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No farmr updates for a few months. IMHO, Chia, Inc. should contract w/him, he could improve the OG GUI reporting immensely and/or have him just polish farmr a bit :pray:


Has Farmr lost the plot?

I’ve had 12 notifications that my wallet has received funds today, unfortunately it hasn’t.

My block reward notifications are and always have been fine.
Im running an older version though.

Alltheblocks does seem to be showing the wrong peak height in farmr, im unsure if that would cause your issues though.

Could well be that, Alltheblocks has been weird today as well. I’ve had it on the odd occasion before, but never like today or yesterday.

I have also been spammed about my cold wallet reviving funds, when it hasnt

New version is out! Ver:

Except tried it, the dos window exits & closes immediately. Back to previous version.

Just downloaded farmer V1.8.1.5 and installed on the main node (farmer) and harvesters. Installed like it should. You just have to remember to delete all your items (machines) then add them back once you installed the new release.

Working fine here, downloaded the Windows zip file, extracted the contents to my install folder and replaced the files, runs fine so far.

When you have time try it again.

I’m getting the following warnings.

WARNING: Farmer rewards address <SNIP> does not match any of your hot/cold wallet addresses
Make sure that you have access to the wallet associated to this wallet address.
WARNING: Pool rewards address <SNIP> does not match any of your hot/cold wallet addresses
Make sure that you have access to the wallet associated to this wallet address.

Where should I set this so that it matches?

Farmr.exe Plot notification is not working. I reinstalled and its OK. Version 1815 have problems. :frowning:

(Notification: when a plot is finished. )