well actually…
That drop is kind of exaggerated as Y axis is really narrow (from 32 to 38). Although, it shows that even though people are buying drives right now (holidays discounts), there is no growth anymore, as such it may indicate that small farmers that were struggling with maintaining their farms are giving up.
Also, I would not put a straight line there, but two lines, where the first would go only to the first peak after storm dust, and the second one from there to now. This way, it is easy to see that the network contraction is rather speeding up.
Actually, I don’t know how net space size is calculated. For pools, it is not your disk space, but rather based on valid partials (i.e., less stalle and invalid). When I was browsing a couple of pools, I saw a lot of farms with about 20% stale partials. At the same time, people recently indicate that they win more blocks. Maybe that indicates that the drop is in well maintained farms (negligible number of stale).
Yes my line drawing was a bit random using paint.
But the trend is clear though, the X-axis is 3 months, and you can clearly see a steady drop.
Like you said, the speed seems to be increasing after the duststorm dip
That is where my artistic skills end as well, and I really struggle to get it done
I was not criticizing you, but rather trying to “explain” that chart. It is good to have such narrow range, as otherwise those changes will be just blips. So, as long as we understand that, all is good.
Someone is REALLY fighting to keep the price @ $100 or push it lower! Look at the volume in the past hour! Looks like it was trying to move up and someone was just dumping to keep the price down. Looking at the KuCoin chart.
You are right, I’m in this bucket. Started plotting mid-Apr, and stayed solo farming by choice till the end. Got my farm size to 114TiB in June and finally gave up on 27-Oct. with zilch XCH to show for. Nuked my plots and switched over to one of the forks and this hobby is fun again.
Perspective comes into play here.
While you could be 100% correct.
An alternative perspective is that someone has many coins and is happy to let them go at that price.
No @RobbieL811 is right: One or more market participants have indeed been suppressing XCH price for several months now while accumulating at lower levels. There are clear signs of this when you study the tape and the order book – and know what to look for. It makes perfect sense. Institutions have done this for over a century.
That’s opinion. Unless your the one doing it you can only guess at the motives.
IMO anyway.
I am a market technician, and this is what I do for a living: Funds pay me good money to analyze charts, in order to find potential trading opportunities. The method is objective: There are specific patterns and signs I look for that indicate what I just told you. And they confirm what Robbie wrote.
Edit: Of course whether you want to listen is completely up to you.
Ppl see patterns and make assumptions, sometimes they’re right, sometimes not.
If can only reiterate, if your not the one moving the mkt, you can only make assumptions.
Just because you can spot opportunities does not mean you are inside the head of those moving things, so all you can do is assume.
If you want to believe otherwise, that’s up to you.
Believing that is entirely your choice. But you are factually wrong. You (or rather I) can read a lot more in the tape than you realize.
I have to say I agree fully. Based on what I’ve been watching the past months it feels like someone is intentionally keeping the price at certain levels. 130-150 was the biggest accumulation zone so far I feel like someone wanted it in that specific range for whatever reason.
Exactly! Of course now we’re considerably lower, but I am sure they don’t mind that one bit.
The thing is, there’s more than one whale at play, everything can’t be predicted.
Obviously. I wasn’t saying that. Just stating what I observered. What it looks like to me.
You’re right about that, there are several whales in this market. They each leave certain footprints. And those footprints are different from the footprints of the institutions I’m taking about.
Oh, but no, of course not everything can be predicted. Just a lot more than you seem to think.
So far, all that was just looking into the past. I have not seen a bit of prediction, and would welcome that, of course.
Just comparing chia with bitcoin, eherum, raptoreum, for the past 30 days or so their trends are about the same (yes, chia and raptoreum get more beating - rather normal).
Indeed, and as I said, you could be 100% correct.
You’ll notice that reply wasn’t directed at you.
Im sure you can predict things I can’t if that’s your job.
But thinking you are correct and others are wrong has been the downfall of many great men and women.
If my life has taught me anything to be true, it’s that there is always an exception to every rule.
I’m guessing you need that ego / confidence in yourself, else ppl would be less likely to employ your services.