Why is core-pool be censored here?

lmao i suggested something like t&c

Before the internet I and others ran Bulletin Boards (BBSs) from our home PC where we could host conversation threads and small games.
There were no questions about violating the sysop’s wishes, lol!!

That brought back a memory of my proudly installing TWO brand new 20MB drives to expand my board! lolz!
Comparing to my recent 128TB purchase, lolol!

lol i had the bot auto \kick \ban people asking for invites

I just installed their program and started. I was trying to choose between them (installing a software) and Hpool ( giving out the key). Got tired of all these HDDs working and zero earning especially after the June 2nd zoom call. HOWEVER, I have one PC just for mining ETH and farming chia. My plotter/ gaming PC is a different one. so worst case scenario they will hack into something that literally doesn’t have anything.
Let’s see

Who is asking for a fight? I asked a question.

I said argument, not fight.

You have asked your question and had it answered many times now.

You don’t like the answers so you keep asking the question.

This turns a conversation into an argument.

Bottom line is that this is not your house. It is owned by someone else and you agree to their rules when you use the site. If you don’t like the rules there is nothing you can do about it. They have every right to stop a thread or remove a comment.

You also have the right to go elsewhere and join people who share your viewpoint. Why are you so concerned about promoting some private entity and or their rights on this platform?

I suspect some personal involvement or perhaps it is just a need for attention.

Be well!


from my understanding core pool has access to your chia folder (where keys are stored) with the app… so i dunno only advantage i see is that less chance of users cheating with winning compared to hpool

core-pool now :D:D

looks like their servers can’t handle the load.

yea the number of farmers increased like 100 people in 5 minutes

Core works through a browser interface? That’s a whole new level of scary!

There is no logic to any of the answers I have received so far. Including zero answers from anyone who is a mod. Of course the mods don’t want another pool being talked about here as the same people who mod this forum are creating their own pool.

Where are the rules?

You like hearing echos don’t you? You like when everyone around you says the things you believe so you don’t have to think about if you are right or wrong.

Do you have any proof to suspect this? I know the answer is no because I have no involvement with any chia pool.

Someday someone will fight for you and you will appreciate it.

@dchuk @codinghorror - Any answers?

If the answer is we can do what we want and there is no code of conduct or rules… then just say that and I’ll let it go. I don’t think we want to be in a community where someone will exercise that kind of power.

You can continue to be silent and the Chia zealots will continue to join this thread and tell me I am wrong and to go elsewhere if I want to have different opinions or ask questions.

Who are “we”? You have had plenty of answers in this thread, you just have not liked the answers. The best advice you have been given though, of course, is to take a deep breathe and get some fresh air. If you truly have no skin in the game, do yourself a favour!


I made $35 in 28 hours yesterday and I got a payout


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On one hand you have the forum wanting to have an official chia forum pool which is authorised and advertised by them and the other hand you have the forum’s censorship of other pools.

People should be able to say whatever on a forum (within limits) or the forum just becomes the owner’s month piece.

Yes I agree with having to attach wording to each unofficial pool post. This is an unofficial pool which could lead to tears use at your own risk.

I think “we” are the members of this community. How is that a question?

I asked this question and expected an answer from a mod but I guess they don’t want to face the facts and answer. I posted it for others to see as I thought the answer I got from a mod would be good for everyone to see.

All I have gotten so far is a bunch of fellow community members telling me to stop asking questions and go somewhere else.

I don’t need to take a deep breathe, I’m not worked up. I’m just waiting for an answer. This is not something you need to answer as you are not a mod. Maybe you need to take a deep breathe.

@dchuk @codinghorror - Any answers?

I think the problem here is this:

So far no one else seems to have a problem with this, in fact most people seem clear about why the topic was closed.

Multiple users flagged the original post and some also asked the mods to do something. Then they did, with a shot but clear statement.

So “the community”, both here and in the original post seem to agree that this was the proper course of action.

If the people behind Chia Core want to argue their case, I’m sure they can find a way to contact the admins.

I think the topic holds valuable information, and my choice would be to keep it open, preferably with a warning on it. But this difference of opinion is no cause to start accusing people of censorship, which is a big word and quite frankly doesn’t apply here or any other independent, private forum.


Please stop replying. I’m not here to speak with you. I’d just like a mod to respond.

@dchuk @codinghorror - Any answers?

Your belief that you have some entitled right to much of anything is wrong.

If you still believe otherwise then perhaps you should hire a lawyer.

Continuing to respond to your whining is obviously counter-productive and just fills your need to be a troll.

I am done wasting my effort on you. You will not hear from me again no matter what silliness you spew.