8000 XCH stuck transaction

I tried splitting my cold wallet yesterday and my transaction is still stuck. I used 0.01 XCH for the transaction fee. Is that not enough?

I tried reloading my cold wallet in a different computer and it shows 0 available balance. What did I do wrong?

Really? I have been up all night. Can’t sleep.

I thought I may have gotten hacked warming up the cold wallet.

No need to worry at all. There was a problem where a lot of full nodes were not getting transactions in from mempool so they were just not happening. Until transaction happens, coins are still in your cold wallet.

There shouldn’t ever in time of Chia be an issue where you use battle-tested kind of transaction (like standard transaction from wallet) and it disapears somewhere on the way. Coin has to re-appear somewhere always. Either in different wallet or as transaction fee but you can’t destroy amount on Chia blockchain, it just changes shape.

Considering you are sending standard transaction between your two wallets, as long as you set the right receive address, amount & fee, you can’t ever lose your XCH.

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