Trouble Updating Codebase from 2.4.2 to 2.5.2 via Terminal

I’m unable to update beyond version 2.4.2 from the codebase using the terminal on Ubuntu Server. I noticed that version 2.5.2 is available, and I’d like to know how to proceed with the update.

Before you ask; yes, I’ve already checked the documentation (Advanced Installation | Chia Documentation) on how to upgrade from source.

General troubleshooting:
Verify Python version is at least 3.8
Remove venv:

# Remove the current virtual environments
rm -r venv
rm -r .penv
rm -r .venv

If you can provide more information, such as errors you are getting, os, etc, we can provide more help


Pretty sure 2.5.2 requires higher than Python 3.8. That got me and I had to jump through some hurdles for that. Personally, I found it easier to upgrade the OS (was using Ubuntu 20.04) so the OS default used a higher version than 3.8. FYI

Thank you @madderhat, forgot to mentioned that I got python3.12.2

It should require at least 3.10. In my case, I forgot to mention that I’m running python 3.12.2

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you are correct. the System Requirements say 3.8 but the note under OP’s original link says 3.10. that’s a documentation issue that needs updated

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Thank you @madderhat & @steppsr ; I’ve solved the problem by upgrading the OS, just like @steppsr did.

  • Solved by Upgrading server to latest OS.

For future reference, another approach you can try is install using CLI, Advanced Installation | Chia Documentation. This will allow you to upgrade the app with apt update and upgrade commands and removes the need to use venv or activate. Just run like a regular program once installed.